Say I have this hash:
entry = {"director"=>"Chris Nolan", "producer"=>"Sum Duk", "writer"=>"Saad Bakk"}
I want to extract each key into its own local variable with the associated value:
director = "Chris Nolan"
producer = "Sum Duk"
By using a loop and not:
director = entry["director"]
Since there are a lot of values and I don't want to do them individually.
I found this which works almost perfectly except it creates an instance variable and I want a local variable, but local_variable_set
doesn't exist for some reason.
entry.each_pair { |k, v| instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v) }
Is there a solution? Or failing that, a way to turn an instance variable into a local one and delete the instance one without doing it one by one?
You can't create local variables, because of variable scope.
If you create a local variable inside a block, the variable would be only accessible inside the block itself.
Please refer to this question for more info.
Dynamically set local variables in Ruby