I have a Jenkins pipeline that has a shell to run a Flyway migration. The shell line that runs the flyway migration looks like:
$(${FLYWAY_PATH} migrate -url=jdbc:postgresql://${RDS_HOST}/${RDS_DB} -user=deployer -password=${DEPLOYER_INFO} -table=${FLYWAY_TABLE} -locations=filesystem:./${FLYWAY_SOURCE} -createSchemas=true -baselineOnMigrate=true -schemas=${FLYWAY_SCHEMA} -placeholders.db_schema=${FLYWAY_SCHEMA} -placeholders.db_user_pw=${FLYWAY_PLACEHOLDER} -placeholders.db_create_named_user=${FLYWAY_CREATE_USERS} -placeholders.deployer_pwd=${DEPLOYER_INFO} -validateMigrationNaming=true)
which translate to something similar to:
/usr/local/bin/flyway migrate -url=jdbc:postgresql://vbs.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com/finalp -user=deployer -password=Tqj -table=flyway_schema_history -locations=filesystem:./files/schema -createSchemas=true -baselineOnMigrate=true -schemas=_194_jenkins_beta -placeholders.db_schema=_194_jenkins_beta -placeholders.db_user_pw=3HVB -placeholders.db_create_named_user=true -placeholders.deployer_pwd=vTqj
If I run the above line directly on the server it works great, all files are used:
Migrating schema "_194_jenkins_beta" to version "001.01.00 - transfer ownership"
WARNING: DB: role "role_dba" already exists, skipping (SQL State: 42710 - Error Code: 0)
WARNING: DB: role "deployer" already exists, skipping (SQL State: 42710 - Error Code: 0)
WARNING: DB: no privileges were granted for "finalp" (SQL State: 01007 - Error Code: 0)
DB: role "deployer" is already a member of role "role_dba"
Migrating schema "_194_jenkins_beta" to version "001.01.01 - records"
Migrating schema "_194_jenkins_beta" to version "001.01.02 - etl"
Migrating schema "_194_jenkins_beta" to version "001.01.03 - data"
Migrating schema "_194_jenkins_beta" to version "001.02.00 - alert author day etl"
Migrating schema "_194_jenkins_beta" to version "001.02.01 - alert dismissreason etl"
Migrating schema "_194_jenkins_beta" with repeatable migration "50 author group rule"
Migrating schema "_194_jenkins_beta" with repeatable migration "50 group rules"
But when I run my pipeline in Jenkins, it doesn't run all the version files:
Migrating schema "_194_jenkins_beta" to version "001.01.00 - transfer ownership"
WARNING: DB: role "role_dba" already exists, skipping (SQL State: 42710 - Error Code: 0)
WARNING: DB: role "deployer" already exists, skipping (SQL State: 42710 - Error Code: 0)
WARNING: DB: no privileges were granted for "finalp" (SQL State: 01007 - Error Code: 0)
DB: role "deployer" is already a member of role "role_dba"
Migrating schema "_194_jenkins_beta" with repeatable migration "50 author group rules"
Caused by: Migration R__50_group_rules.sql failed
15:54:29 ---------------------------------------------------------------
15:54:29 SQL State : 42703
15:54:29 Error Code : 0
15:54:29 Message : ERROR: column f.last_alert_groups does not exist
Which is correct as that column is added on version file "001.02.00", so basically it is omitting the following files:
Any idea of why this may be happening and possible work around?
I am expecting to have all version (V) files executed from Jenkins as they are being done when tunning same command manually.
Thanks you.
Looks like if I add -target works in Jenkins -- not an ideal solution, but I can move on for now. Either way, very interesting to see the different behaviors....