I would like to reorganize the list of objects and classify them by the date of entry in a side by side view so I can compare the trades across instruments by day.
so this view needs to be reorganised
as the following
The only logic I created was to use a Dictionary of dynamo objects. However it forces me to define the columns everytime. Is there a more efficient approach?
code in linqpad share. linqpad share
void Main()
List<STSmyTrade> testoj = new List<STSmyTrade>(); // object 1
STSmyTrade a1 = new STSmyTrade();
a1.instrument = "eurusd";
a1.entryPrice = 3;
a1.entryTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
STSmyTrade a2 = new STSmyTrade();
a2.instrument = "eurusd";
a2.entryPrice = 6;
a2.entryTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2);
STSmyTrade a3 = new STSmyTrade();
a3.instrument = "audusd";
a3.entryPrice = 3;
a3.entryTime = DateTime.Now;
STSmyTrade a4 = new STSmyTrade();
a4.instrument = "audusd";
a4.entryPrice = 6;
a4.entryTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2);
// need to compare the 2 instruments sorted by date
Dictionary<DateTime, ExpandoObject> analysiscompare = new Dictionary<DateTime, ExpandoObject>();
foreach (STSmyTrade t in testoj ) // loop first time comparing before and after
dynamic eo;
if (!analysiscompare.Keys.Contains(t.entryTime.Date))// if i dont have a record in the dictionary object, create it.
eo = new ExpandoObject();
eo.day=t.entryTime.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");// just assign the day.
eo.eurusdentryTime = null;
eo.eurusdentryPrice = null;
eo.audusdentryTime = null;
eo.audusdentryPrice = null;
analysiscompare.Add(t.entryTime.Date, eo);
//dynamic eo;
eo = analysiscompare[t.entryTime.Date];
switch (t.instrument)
case "eurusd":
eo.eurusdentryTime = t.entryTime;
eo.eurusdentryPrice = t.entryPrice;
case "audusd":
eo.audusdentryTime = t.entryTime;
eo.audusdentryPrice = t.entryPrice;
class STSmyTrade
public DateTime entryTime { get; set; }
public string instrument { get; set; }
public double entryPrice { get; set; }
The only way, I can make this work is by creating a custom column mapping to each unique object(audusd, eurusd). However this is not scalable.
Assuming you don't have two entries for a currency on the same day, you can group by date and select the eurusd and audusd entries per group, eg.
(from r in testoj
group r by r.entryTime.Date into results
let eur = results.SingleOrDefault(a => a.instrument == "eurusd")
let aud = results.SingleOrDefault(a => a.instrument == "audusd")
select new
day = results.Key.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
eurusdentryTime = eur?.entryTime,
audusdentryTime = aud?.entryTime,
eurusdentryPrice = eur?.entryPrice,
audusdentryPrice = aud?.entryPrice,
You probably want to sort the results, but your original doesn't seem to be sorted, so I haven't sorted mine either.