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Composer says class does not comply with psr-4 autoloading, but the code works anyway

The class Test, in MyApp\src\models folder:


namespace MyApp\Models;

class Test 

    function __construct() {
        echo "class Test running...";


The index page on project root:


require_once realpath("vendor/autoload.php");

use MyApp\Models\Test;

$test = new Test();

But when I run the command:

composer dump-autoload -o

The error message says:

MyApp/src\models\Test.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.

But it generates vendor folder with autoload.php and other files anyway. And index.php works fine. So what I am missing here?


  • According to the spec, you need to have your namespace path in FirstCaps.

    Your path is lowercase MyApp\src\models but your namespace is FirstCap:

    namespace MyApp\Models;

    if you rename your folder to MyApp\src\Models you should be good to go.

    If you have already committed your code to git, and are on a windows PC be aware that since both NTFS and FAT filesystems are case insensitive, you may experience issues jsut renaming the folder from models to Models. You may have to rename from models to somethingelse (and commit) and then rename to Models (and commit again)