How to get all users from AAD from an Azure Function by PowerShell? I googled around and try some tutorials, but they are al failed. I hope someone has some solution which works.
Firstly make sure that your Azure Function has the necessary permissions to read user information from AAD. this is imp
and include the required modules in your PowerShell script:
# This assumes you have the AzureAD module installed
Install-Module -Name Az -Force -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module -Name Az -Force -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser -AllowPrerelease -MinimumVersion 7.0.0-preview
Import-Module Az
Now get all the users you need
# Authenticate to Azure AD
$tenantId = "<YourTenantId>"
$clientId = "<YourClientId>"
$clientSecret = "<YourClientSecret>"
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $clientSecret -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($clientId, $secpasswd)
Connect-AzAccount -ServicePrincipal -TenantId $tenantId -ApplicationId $clientId -Credential $credential
# Get all users
$users = Get-AzADUser -All $true
# Output user information
$users | Select-Object DisplayName, UserPrincipalName, ObjectId