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VBA script optimisation to solve a puzzle with an underdetermined system

I received a puzzle when I just entered college and with my then lacking mathematical knowledge I wasn't able to solve it. Over the years I returned to the puzzle and was able to determine at least one solution and with my current still lacking mathematical knowledge I'm able to determine that the puzzle contains an underdetermined system of 10 formulas and 12 unknowns. At least one solution exists. My latest attempt in solving it was done with rudimentary programming skills in vba by bruteforcing all solutions. My scripts was able to find the solution I already had but was way to slow to determine any other solutions(my patience ran out before the script was done running).

The puzzle: (

I tried solving the multiple equations by looping through the variables and continuing with a next loop if a solution for the equation is found. While this works fine in thought, in practice it required a loop for each variable, in this case 12 which makes for a very slow process. I've tried making it quicker by moving some if statements earlier in the loops but this didn't really made a difference. I know that adding multiple loops inside each other doesn't make for good code but I can't think of something better.

With my lacking programming and mathematical skills I can't think of a quicker solution to solve the puzzle than looping through each variable. I was hoping for some help with this.

My code:

For a = 1 To 100
    For b = 1 To 100
        If 10 - a + 38 + b * 42 = 114 Then
            For c = 1 To 100
                For d = 1 To 100
                    For e = 1 To 100
                        If c - 2 + d + 6 * e = 37 Then
                            For f = 1 To 100
                                For g = 1 To 100
                                    If 50 - f * 3 - g / 5 = -4 Then
                                        For h = 1 To 100
                                            For j = 1 To 100
                                                For k = 1 To 100
                                                    If h + 15 - j * 3 - k = 2 Then
                                                        For l = 1 To 1000
                                                            For m = 1 To 100
                                                                If 20 * l + 12 / m + 8 = 171 Then
                                                                    If 10 + c * 50 + h + 20 = 186 Then
                                                                        If a * 2 - f + 15 - l = 111 Then
                                                                            If 38 - d * 3 - j + 12 = -28 Then
                                                                                If b + 6 + g - 3 * m = 27 Then
                                                                                    If 42 * e - 5 - k - 8 = 70 Then
                                                                                        r = r + 1
                                                                                        With Worksheets("Sheet1")
                                                                                            .Cells(r, 5).Value = a
                                                                                            .Cells(r, 6).Value = b
                                                                                            .Cells(r, 7).Value = c
                                                                                            .Cells(r, 8).Value = d
                                                                                            .Cells(r, 9).Value = e
                                                                                            .Cells(r, 10).Value = f
                                                                                            .Cells(r, 11).Value = g
                                                                                            .Cells(r, 12).Value = h
                                                                                            .Cells(r, 13).Value = j
                                                                                            .Cells(r, 14).Value = k
                                                                                            .Cells(r, 15).Value = l
                                                                                            .Cells(r, 16).Value = m
                                                                                            .Cells(r, 4).Value = Format(Timer - t, "hh:mm:ss")
                                                                                        End With
                                                                                    End If
                                                                                End If
                                                                            End If
                                                                        End If
                                                                    End If
                                                                End If
                                                            Next m
                                                        Next l
                                                    End If
                                                Next k
                                            Next j
                                        Next h
                                    End If
                                Next g
                            Next f
                        End If
                    Next e
                Next d
            Next c
        End If
    Next b
Next a

In this example code I've only run it within the boundaries of 1 to 100 which gives me an solution after about 15 minutes. A range in which all solutions would be produces would probably take too long. So I'm kindoff stuck without help.


  • Is it considered cheating to simplify some of the equations? You can define 7 of the variables in terms of other variables, so instead of looping for 12 variables, you only have to loop for 5.

    I tried your original way and gave up after 3 minutes of running. I tried with the simplified variables and it only took 4 seconds. I also tried 1 to 200 and -100 to 100, and still only 1 solution. Those runs took less than a minute so you might find more solutions if you're willing to wait.

    I also changed your 1 to 100 to variables to make it easier to expand the range and test for negative solutions.

    Sub solve_problem()
    intMIN = 1
    intMAX = 150
    Start = Now
    For a = intMIN To intMAX
    '    For B = intMIN To intMAX
        b = (a + 66) / 42
            If 10 - a + 38 + b * 42 = 114 Then
                For c = intMIN To intMAX
                    For d = intMIN To intMAX
                        For e = intMIN To intMAX
                            If c - 2 + d + 6 * e = 37 Then
                                For f = intMIN To intMAX
    '                                For g = intMIN To intMAX
                                    g = 270 - 15 * f
                                        If 50 - f * 3 - g / 5 = -4 Then
    '                                        For h = intMIN To intMAX
                                            h = 156 - (50 * c)
    '                                            For j = intMIN To intMAX
                                                j = 78 - 3 * d
    '                                                For k = intMIN To intMAX
                                                    k = 42 * e - 83
                                                        If h + 15 - j * 3 - k = 2 Then
    '                                                        For L = intMIN To intMAX
                                                            l = 84 * b - f - 228
    '                                                            For m = intMIN To intMAX
                                                                m = 12 / (163 - 20 * l)
                                                                    If 20 * l + 12 / m + 8 = 171 Then
                                                                        If 10 + c * 50 + h + 20 = 186 Then
                                                                            If a * 2 - f + 15 - l = 111 Then
                                                                                If 38 - d * 3 - j + 12 = -28 Then
                                                                                    If b + 6 + g - 3 * m = 27 Then
                                                                                        If 42 * e - 5 - k - 8 = 70 Then
                                                                                            r = r + 1
                                                                                            With Worksheets("Sheet1")
                                                                                                .Cells(r, 5).Value = a
                                                                                                .Cells(r, 6).Value = b
                                                                                                .Cells(r, 7).Value = c
                                                                                                .Cells(r, 8).Value = d
                                                                                                .Cells(r, 9).Value = e
                                                                                                .Cells(r, 10).Value = f
                                                                                                .Cells(r, 11).Value = g
                                                                                                .Cells(r, 12).Value = h
                                                                                                .Cells(r, 13).Value = j
                                                                                                .Cells(r, 14).Value = k
                                                                                                .Cells(r, 15).Value = l
                                                                                                .Cells(r, 16).Value = m
                                                                                                .Cells(r, 4).Value = Format(Now - Start, "hh:mm:ss")
                                                                                            End With
                                                                                        End If
                                                                                    End If
                                                                                End If
                                                                            End If
                                                                        End If
                                                                    End If
    '                                                            Next m
    '                                                        Next L
                                                        End If
    '                                                Next k
    '                                            Next j
    '                                        Next h
                                        End If
    '                                Next g
                                Next f
                            End If
                        Next e
                    Next d
                Next c
            End If
    '    Next B
    Next a
    r = r + 1
    Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(r, 4).Value = Format(Now - Start, "hh:mm:ss")
    End Sub

    Here is the work for isolating the variables

    enter image description here