When Executing the following code in VS 2022 Community(version 17.8.3):
using static System.Console;
Action action1 = new(() => WriteLine($"Executing {Task.CurrentId}"));
Action action2 = new(() => WriteLine($"Executing {Task.CurrentId}"));
Action action3 = new(() => WriteLine($"Executing {Task.CurrentId}"));
Parallel.Invoke(action1, action2, action3);
are producing output like:
Executing 9
Executing 10
Executing 8
I understand that the id can change. But I never saw the id starts from 1. My friends report the same. They also add that the same code in VS 2019 was able to produce ids like 1,2, and 3 on multiple try. And here are the summarised observation:
1.VS2019-debug and release- You can see IDs 1,2,3 etc
2.VS 2022 release- Same observation.
3.VS2022-Debug- IDs start appearing as 8,9,10; 9,10,11 or 10,11,12 ,and so on…
I posted the question on https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/Seems-like-TaskCurrentId-does-not-gener/10432547. Following the suggestion, I started debugging the code and found that some additional task ids were created due to this setting. Obviously, those additional task ids were not created when I ran the code in release configuration. But I could not figure out how to avoid the creational process of those additional tasks in debug mode in VS2022. Here are my questions: 1.Is the changed behavior an expected behavior? 2. is there any simple way to avoid the creational process of those additional tasks in debug mode in VS2022? If so, how?
This is caused by hot reload functionality as far as I can see.
If you place breakpoint at the start of the app and will go to the Parallel Stacks window (Debug -> Windows -> Parallel Stacks, switch to task view) you can see something like:
With some stackframes referring to stuff from Microsoft.Extensions.HotReload
You can try disabling the hot reload: go to the project properties -> Debug -> Open debug launch profiles UI -> uncheck Enable Hot Reload option:
This results in "correct" task ids for me.