I have been recently practicing DSA in JS and here is the solution to one of my problems related to limiting the time to store a key in cache. Below is the code and the solution of it. My output differs from the expected one (ignore the first null, I have not added its console log in code below), please help me understand what can be the issue.
function TimeLimitedCache(){
this.cache = {};
this.set = function (key, value, duration) {
let timer;
let result = false;
if(key in this.cache){
result = true;
this.cache[key] = value;
timer = setTimeout(()=> delete this.cache[key],duration);
return result;
this.get = function(key){
return this.cache[key] ? this.cache[key] : -1;
this.count = function(){
return Object.keys(this.cache).length;
const start = new Date().getSeconds();
const tesr = new TimeLimitedCache();
u can use an object to store timers by key
this.timers = {};
and u don't need to create timer in function (key, value, duration). Remember to clearTimeout of each key.
this.set = function (key, value, duration) {
let result = false;
if (key in this.cache) {
result = true;
this.cache[key] = value;
this.timers[key] = setTimeout(() => delete this.cache[key], duration);
return result;