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How to allow "dynamic" property type on SwiftData model based on value given to it's another property

I am working on SwiftData model that a field for details. This field can be of various types based on what type model was created with. Right now I have defined possible types and structs for these, but am unable to figure out how to add such "dynamic" type to details field, in a way that conforms to SwiftData restrictions as well. Below is simplified implementation (areas marked with ???? are ones I am not sure about):

import SwiftUI
import SwiftData

// Types
enum DetailsType: Codable {
  case Time
  case Distance

struct TimeDetails: Codable {
  let startTime: Date
  let endTime: Date

struct DistanceDetails: Codable {
  let distance: Double

// Model
@Model class MyModel {
  var type: DetailsType
  var details: ????
  init(type: DetailsType, details: ????) {
    self.type = type
    self.details = details


  • You can't use generics with SwiftData models (or inheritance) so I see two approaches

    First one is to add all enum values as properties and make them optional and use the type property to determine what properties to access.

    @Model class MyModel {
        var type: DetailsType
        var distance: DistanceDetails?
        var time: TimeDetails?
        private init(type: DetailsType, distance: DistanceDetails? = nil, time: TimeDetails? = nil) {
            self.type = type
            self.distance = distance
            self.time = time
        convenience init(distance: DistanceDetails) {
            self.init(type: .Distance, distance: distance)
        convenience init(time: TimeDetails) {
            self.init(type: .Time, time: time)

    The second one, that I has only tested briefly but that seems to work fine with SwiftData, is to use an enum with associated values.

    enum DetailsType: Codable {
      case Time(TimeDetails)
      case Distance(DistanceDetails)

    This would clearly simplify the model so to me it looks like the preferred solution if an associated enum is acceptable and SwiftData doesn't throw any surprises on us :)

    @Model class MyModelAssociated {
        var type: DetailsType
        init(type: DetailsType) {
            self.type = type