I got stuck at a weird point ...
// ticketList refers to an html table id
console.log("ticketList.rows.length before: " + ticketList.rows.length);
for (i= 1; i < ticketList.rows.length; i++) {
console.log(`ticket ${i - 1} removed`);
// some more code which works properly
console.log("ticketList.rows.length after: " + ticketList.rows.length);
Now this is the console output:
ticketList.rows.length before: 13
ticket 0 removed
ticket 1 removed
ticket 2 removed
ticket 3 removed
ticket 4 removed
ticket 5 removed
ticketList.rows.length after: 19
The initial value of 13 is correct. Why does it stop after 6 iterations instead of removing twelve elements as supposed?
I tried hardcoding the stop value in the for-loop and got the following error:
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'remove')
If you delete a row, your indexes will be off. Easiest solution is to iterate backwards.
for (let i = ticketList.rows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
console.log(`ticket ${i - 1} removed`);
Also note that this is deleting all rows, if you wanted to keep the first one, just use i > 0