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Issue with picking first of non-missing dates in R dataframe

I have a dataframe with two columns as below.

    nct_id   recrstdt check start_date   sdt
 NCT02277743 2014-12-21     2 2014-10-31 16425
 NCT02277769 2014-12-21     2 2014-11-30 16425
 NCT03131648 2017-06-08     2 2017-05-30 17325
 NCT03160885 2017-07-14     2 2017-06-12 17361
 NCT03349060 2018-01-17     2 2017-12-07 17548
 NCT03569293 2018-08-21     2 2018-08-13 17764
 NCT03575871 2018-07-12     2 2018-06-29 17724
 NCT03607422 2018-08-09     2 2018-07-27 17752
 NCT04146363       <NA>     2 2019-09-24   Inf
 NCT04162769       <NA>     2 2019-10-04   Inf
 NCT04178967       <NA>     2 2019-10-29   Inf

structure(list(nct_id = c("NCT02277743", "NCT02277769", "NCT03131648", 
"NCT03160885", "NCT03349060", "NCT03569293", "NCT03575871", "NCT03607422", 
"NCT04146363", "NCT04162769", "NCT04178967"), recrstdt = structure(c(16425, 
16425, 17325, 17361, 17548, 17764, 17724, 17752, Inf, Inf, Inf
), class = "Date"), check = c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
), start_date = structure(c(16374, 16404, 17316, 17329, 17507, 
17756, 17711, 17739, 18163, 18173, 18198), class = "Date"), sdt = c(16425, 
16425, 17325, 17361, 17548, 17764, 17724, 17752, Inf, Inf, Inf
)), row.names = c(NA, -11L), class = "data.frame")

I am using the following code to create column sdt which picks the first non-missing from recstdt or start_date in that order. However when recrstdt is NA , start_date is not being picked.

Class of recrstdt is "Date"

 mutate(check=ifelse(, 1, 2),
        sdt=ifelse(!, recrstdt, start_date))

Any help to figure this out is much appreciated.


  • Since is.finite(NA) == FALSE, we can take account for both Inf or NA. Gives Inf if both are Inf or NA.

    > dat |>
    +   transform(check=replace(check, !is.finite(recrstdt), 1),
    +             sdt=as.Date(mapply(min, recrstdt, start_date, na.rm=TRUE)))
            nct_id   recrstdt check start_date        sdt
    1  NCT02277743 2014-12-21     2 2014-10-31 2014-10-31
    2  NCT02277769 2014-12-21     2 2014-11-30 2014-11-30
    3  NCT03131648 2017-06-08     2 2017-05-30 2017-05-30
    4  NCT03160885 2017-07-14     2 2017-06-12 2017-06-12
    5  NCT03349060 2018-01-17     2 2017-12-07 2017-12-07
    6  NCT03569293 2018-08-21     2 2018-08-13 2018-08-13
    7  NCT03575871 2018-07-12     2 2018-06-29 2018-06-29
    8  NCT03607422 2018-08-09     2 2018-07-27 2018-07-27
    9  NCT04146363        Inf     1 2019-09-24 2019-09-24
    10 NCT04162769        Inf     1        Inf        Inf
    11 NCT04178967       <NA>     1 2019-10-29 2019-10-29


    > dput(dat)
    structure(list(nct_id = c("NCT02277743", "NCT02277769", "NCT03131648", 
    "NCT03160885", "NCT03349060", "NCT03569293", "NCT03575871", "NCT03607422", 
    "NCT04146363", "NCT04162769", "NCT04178967"), recrstdt = structure(c(16425, 
    16425, 17325, 17361, 17548, 17764, 17724, 17752, Inf, Inf, NA
    ), class = "Date"), check = c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
    ), start_date = structure(c(16374, 16404, 17316, 17329, 17507, 
    17756, 17711, 17739, 18163, Inf, NA), class = "Date"), sdt = c(16425, 
    16425, 17325, 17361, 17548, 17764, 17724, 17752, Inf, Inf, Inf
    )), row.names = c(NA, -11L), class = "data.frame")