As this answer seems to suggest, this should work fine
# application-dev.yml
- /api/v1/example,
- /api/v1/another-example
@EnableWebFluxSecurity // does this annotation matter?
public class SecurityConfig {
private final String[] publicEndpoints;
public SecurityConfig(@Value("${gateway.publicEndpoints}") String[] publicEndpoints) {
this.publicEndpoints = publicEndpoints; // a breakpoint here never gets hit
// ...
However, I get
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'gateway.publicEndpoints' in value "${gateway.publicEndpoints}"
I tried removing comma(s) in the yml file but get the same result
I also tried
public class SecurityConfig {
private String[] publicEndpoints;
Got the same exception
The profile is correct (dev
The following 1 profile is active: "dev"
Salvatore Bernardo's proposal to use @ConfigurationProperties
does help, however I'm still curious why I can't successfully use @Value
in that code
Salvatore also hypothesized that it may be due to the yml
format that @Value
seems to not support (the doc does not corroborate that idea)
Another guy on SO had a similar problem, and it appears it was due to wrong identation (my identation is fine)
What is the cause of that behavior?
Spring Boot 3.1.4
for complex structure (List, Map) use ConfigurationProperties
. I replicated here your problem and fixed using ConfigurationProperties
This problem seems similar to Can't get Java see my custom YAML property in a Spring Boot app .
is good to use with simple value, for example String
Hope this will help :)