I have data class. I have inserting the room database this data class. it has string type. But I want to use back. I have calling the data. It has string. But I want to convert the data class type.
How can do this ?
Edit I used the Type Conveter for Room Database. if u have same problem. u should the this example. https://medium.com/@rasim0042/type-converter-for-room-db-2700e968a6d5
If you want to use Gson
with kotlin extension
Extension function
inline fun <reified T : Any> String.toDataClass(): T =
Gson().fromJson(this, T::class.java)
inline fun <reified T : Any> T.toJsonString(): String =
Use to convert string and visaversa
// to get String from DataClass object
val jsonString: String = note.toJsonString()
// to get DataClass object from String
val note = jsonString.toDataClass<Note>()