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Logout issue after redirect to cancel/success URL when make a payment with Perfect Money in Laravel

I have a payment gateway with Perfect Money in my Laravel project.

I generated a form according to the this doc:

The problem is that the redirected page when payment succeeds or fails does not work as expected. The URL is set exactly in the browser, but it's actually displayed "419 | PAGE EXPIRED" on the page.

It seemed like a CSRF Token problem, so I added the redirect URLs to the VerifyCsrfToken.php file. Then page 419 does not appear, but it seems like the session is lost. It is redirect to the login page after I click cancel button from the form supported PerfectMoney System:

I don't understand how the redirection URL called by Perfect Money System can clear the session on my system.

I did some research on this issue and found that there were several developers who had experienced the same issue as me.

But I couldn't find an exact solution.

Am I using something wrong?


I discovered something. If I press the payment button in my app to access the payment form provided by perfect money, I can see this page in action with the data I submitted. enter image description here

However, when this URL is accessed in the in-cognitor method, the form page is not displayed, but the welcome page is displayed (of course).

What's interesting here is that once I press the submit payment button on my app and access the form displayed at the above, even if I copy the above URL and paste it into the browser without pressing the payment submission button, the data I submitted is displayed as is. ex: Payment To, Amount

As you can see in the URL, there is no data I submitted in the URL above, but we can see the data I submitted in the form using only that URL.

I think this may have been done by saving the data I submitted as the session on their server and then deleting it after the payment was cancelled. Even if that's the case, I don't understand why my server's session is deleted when canceled.

Any idea?

** If someone can solve this problem, I won't hesitate to pay)) Thanks for the advice


  • I had same problem too and the problem was :

    I was going from website A (with session cookie) to website B (payment) and back to A after some times and session was lost.
    The problem was that the session cookie on website A was SameSite: Lax (in fact SameSite attribute was not set and changed defaulting from None to Lax).

    By being Lax the cookie was not sent back when going from B to A website.

    I solved it by setting the cookie to be SameSite: None with secure attributes.

    References :