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How to populate Livewire internal state changes to outer level

My Blade view for Livewire component:

    <input type="checkbox" class="form-checkbox" wire:model="inner_checked" wire:click="toggleChecked">
    @if ($inner_checked)
        inner checked
        inner unchecked

Works good - printed exactly according to checkbox state.

Then use this component at outer level:

<livewire:form-checkbox :id="$id" :checked=$outer_checked />
@if ($outer_checked)
    Outer checked
    Outer unchecked

Works bad - outer state printed well according to initial value of $outer_checked, but changes inside checkbox not populated to outside.

Ok, rewrite mount(string $id, bool $outer_checked) to just mount(string $id) and rewrite usage of checkbox component to <livewire:form-checkbox :id="$id" wire:model=$outer_checked />. Still no changes - internal state changed, outer - not. Guess it's because wire:model not working here, at outer level.

How to populate internal state changes to outer level?


  • You'd need to use an event, dispatching it from the child (inner) and listening for it on the parent (outer)

    use Livewire\Attributes\On;
    class OuterComponent
        public bool $outer_checked;
        public function applyChangesToOuterState(bool $value)
            $this->outer_checked = $value;
    class InnerComponent
        public bool $inner_checked;
        public function updated($property)
            if ($property === 'inner_checked') {
                $this->dispatch('inner-state-updated', value: $this->inner_checked);
        // alternatively
        public function updatedInnerChecked()
            $this->dispatch('inner-state-updated', value: $this->inner_checked);

    Alternatively, if you can hook into this change from the javascript side, you could access the parent's property and set it there with $parent.