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Calculate directed broadcast address given IP address and subnet in PowerShell

My goal is to calculate the directed broadcast address when given the IP and subnet mask of a host node. I know, sounds like homework. Once I reasoned through my task and boiled it down to this, I was amused with myself. Anyway, the solution will look something like the one in this question I suppose, but I'm not a math major and my C sucks. I could do with a PowerShell (preferred) or C# example to get me going.



  • Here is mine which uses Get-NetIPAddress from NetTCPIP and IPAddress from the System.Net:

    $NetIPAddress = Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 -InterfaceIndex 25
            [Net.IPAddress]::Parse($NetIPAddress.IPAddress).Address -band
            [uint]::MaxValue -shr (32 - $NetIPAddress.PrefixLength)
        ) -bor (
            [uint]::MaxValue -shl $NetIPAddress.PrefixLength