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Dynamic Placeholder Based on Cell Value

I'm quite new to VBAs/Macros so assuming this is an easy fix I'm missing.

I am looking to automate a process, which involves opening a workbook, filtering a sheet based on value "x", copy the sheet, paste into original workbook, then repeat this process with 4-5 different sheets. I currently have 4-5 different subs written, all which work, but had to be done manually changing "PB NY - Private" to "y" then "z", etc.

Am I correct in assuming there should be someway to have this process just be one sub, and possibly be able to have a variable reference to a cell in my original workbook? So if that cell says "PB NY - Private", the sub would run based on that, if "y" based on that, etc?

enter image description here

This is a piece of one sub, where "PB NY - Private" is the piece I would like to have based on a cell value (X, Y, or Z)


  • You can change your hardcoded Criteria1 to the reference of a cell. Since code opens other workbooks in the reference fully qualify the workbook and worksheet name.

    ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AB$1236").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:= _

    This process can be applied to the sheet names too.

    If you add a command button to your sheet, the sub can be called with it.