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How to update column in one oracle table from another table without common key in Oracle Database

I have two Oracle tables with different columns but one. I just want to update the common column of one table using the same column from another table based on the same row number like this:


  cst_id | item | price
   10    | book | 20  
   20    | copy | 30   
   30    | pen  | 10
   25    | tea  | 14
   35    | glass| 49


   cst_id | code | color | label | age
    110   | sss  | blue  |   R   | 10
    220   | cchh | green |   H   |  3
    330   | eee  | yellow|   J   |  5
    448   | yyy  |  -    |   U   |  4
    777   | TTT  | white |   P   |  2
    898   | RRR  |  -    |   E   |  9
    997   | GGG  |  -    |   W   |  4

After updating table1:

   cst_id | item | price
    110   | book | 20  
    220   | copy | 30   
    330   | pen  | 10
    448   | tea  | 14
    777   | glass| 49

I use this query:

  MERGE INTO table1 t1
  SELECT cst_id, ROWID as rid
   FROM (
    SELECT cst_id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY age) AS rn
    FROM table2
   ) t2
  ) t2
 ON (t1.ROWID = t2.rid)
 UPDATE SET t1.cst_id = t2.cst_id;

But the result is 0 row merge.

Is there another way to do this update?


  • The theoretical result you present is not correlated to the query you wrote: if you order table2 by age, the first row will be the 777 one and thus the result will be "777 | book | 20" not what you present. You will not be able to do it in SQL with MERGE (error you can get is "ORA-01445: Cannot Select ROWID from a Join View without a Key-Preserved Table") but in PL/SQL you can do:

        FOR rec IN (
            SELECT t2.cst_id, t2.rn, t1.rid FROM 
                (SELECT cst_id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY age) AS rn FROM table2) t2
              JOIN (SELECT rowid AS rid, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY cst_id) AS rn FROM table1) t1  
              ON t1.rn = t2.rn
            UPDATE table1 SET cst_id = rec.cst_id
            WHERE rowid = rec.rid;
        END LOOP ;
    end ;

    And the result will be:

    777 book    20
    220 copy    30
    997 pen 10
    448 tea 14
    330 glass   49