If I run the following in the Jenkins Script console:
String jobName = "path/to/myJobName"
def workflowJob = Hudson.getInstance().getItemByFullName(jobName)
def currentRun = workflowJob.getLastBuild()
List<hudson.scm.SCM> scms = currentRun.getSCMs()
for (hudson.scm.SCM scm in scms) {
String refspec = scm.userRemoteConfigs[0].refspec
scm.getUserRemoteConfigs().each {
I get this output, most of the SCMs have "Null" in the refspec (but do contain the URL):
While, if I look at the Pipeline Job in the Jenkins view I can see fully detailed refspecs, including the branch name:
Multiple Refspecs including branch and revision
I guess the question is, what's the right way to get these details from a workflowRun?
I've tried all the functions listed https://javadoc.jenkins.io/plugin/git/hudson/plugins/git/UserRemoteConfig.html and my Google-Foo has failed to find any "other approaches", I'm not sure if there's a way I can feed the WorkflowRun into the Git Plugin and get more details out from there.
I asked ChatGPT and got some useful input, basically modifying the above like seems to work:
String jobName = "path/to/myJobName"
def workflowJob = Hudson.getInstance().getItemByFullName(jobName)
def currentRun = workflowJob.getLastBuild()
List<hudson.scm.SCM> scms = currentRun.getSCMs()
for (hudson.scm.SCM scm in scms) {
def branches = scm.getBranches()
branches.each { branch ->