I am facing strange behaviour of replaceAll method of String class.
I have a string buffer which contain below data
i write below code to replace the "keyRPT11=08|keyRPT19=01"
with "keyRPT11=08|keyRPT19=2"
i am using below code for that
String complementaryInformation = "keyRPT1={keyRPT11=01|keyRPT19=01}|keyRPT3={keyRPT11=03|keyRPT19=01}|keyRPT8={keyRPT11=08|keyRPT19=01}";
complementaryInformation = complementaryInformation.replaceAll("keyRPT11=08|keyRPT19=01","keyRPT11=08|keyRPT19=2");
replaceAll give me the unexpected output
when i am using replace method then i'll get the right output
Any idea guys??
You need to escape the |
symbol which has special meaning in regex.
complementaryInformation = complementaryInformation.replaceAll("keyRPT11=08\\|keyRPT19=01","keyRPT11=08|keyRPT19=2");
method takes regex pattern as first parameter. replace()
method does not take regex as parameter.