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Why custom fields in profile of filament-breezy are not filled with data?

In Laravel 10/Filamentphp 3 multi tenancy app I added jeffgreco13/filament-breezy v2.2.1.1 package and added custom fields in app/Livewire/CustomProfileComponent.php, which I created with artisan command. Problem is that opening "/app/branch-name/my-profile" url my custom fields are not filled with data of current logged user with code like :

class CustomProfileComponent extends MyProfileComponent
    protected string $view = "livewire.custom-profile-component";

    public array $data;

    public function form(Form $form): Form
        $user = auth()->user();
        \Log::info(varDump($user, ' -1 $user::'));
        $employee = Employee::getByUserId($user->getAttribute('id'))->first();

        return $form

                    ->options(Branch::query()->pluck('name', 'id'))

Both 'name' and 'branch_id' fields are empty, even if I uncommented line with default method and valid data... Not sure what must be provided in statePath method ?


This CustomProfileComponent component has no $this->form var, but has $form var, which is passed as param to form method As my profile form consists of 2 tables : users employees I tried to use fill method :


class CustomProfileComponent extends MyProfileComponent
    protected string $view = "livewire.custom-profile-component";

    public array $data;

    public function form(Form $form): Form
        $user = auth()->user();
        $this->data = $user->attributesToArray();
        $employee = Employee::getByUserId($user->getAttribute('id'))->first();

        \Log::info(varDump($employee, ' -1 $employee::'));
//        $userAttributes = $user->attributesToArray();
        if($employee) {
            $this->data = Arr::collapse([$this->data, $employee->attributesToArray()]);
            \Log::info(varDump($this->data, ' -1 $this->data::'));
            // I check and see that array above has 'branch_id' key

Any way Select component has no item selected...

    What is wrong in my code ?


  • you have to use $this->form->fill($data);

    like this example:

    $this->data['branch_id'] = auth()->user()->branch_id;
    $this->data['name'] = auth()->user()->name;
    $this->data['email'] = auth()->user()->email;