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Optimize neptune query while using repeat & times

I have the following neptune query

  .has('user_id', 1004)

and it's taking too much time.

I tried profiling the query

Original Traversal
[GraphStep(vertex,[]), HasStep([~label.eq(User), user_id.eq(159017810)]), RepeatStep([VertexStep(BOTH,[USES_UPI, USES_ACCOUNT, USES_HARDWARE_ID, USES_GAID, HAS_COOKIES],vertex), PathFilterStep(simple,null,null), DedupGlobalStep(null,null), RepeatEndStep],until(loops(3)),emit(false)), HasStep([~label.eq(Gaid)]), DedupGlobalStep(null,null), CountGlobalStep]

Optimized Traversal
Neptune steps:
    NeptuneGraphQueryStep(Vertex) {
        JoinGroupNode {
            PatternNode[(?1, <user_id>, ?9, ?) . project distinct ?1 . ContainsFilter(?9 in (159017810^^<INT>, 159017810^^<LONG>, 1.59017808E8^^<FLOAT>, 1.5901781E8^^<DOUBLE>)) .], {estimatedCardinality=1, expectedTotalOutput=1, indexTime=0, joinTime=0, numSearches=1, actualTotalOutput=1}
            PatternNode[(?1, <~label>, ?2=<User>, <~>) . project ask .], {estimatedCardinality=1327714, expectedTotalOutput=679, actualTotalOutput=379683, indexTime=0, joinTime=0, numSearches=1}
            RepeatNode {
                Repeat {
                    JoinGroupNode {
                        UnionNode {
                            PatternNode[(?3, ?6, ?4, ?7) . project ?3,?4 . IsEdgeIdFilter(?7) . ContainsFilter(?6 in (<USES_UPI>, <USES_ACCOUNT>, <USES_HARDWARE_ID>, <USES_GAID>, <HAS_COOKIES>)) .], {cacheJoin=true, estimatedCardinality=1923966, indexTime=354, joinTime=26212, numSearches=379683}
                            PatternNode[(?4, ?6, ?3, ?7) . project ?3,?4 . IsEdgeIdFilter(?7) . ContainsFilter(?6 in (<USES_UPI>, <USES_ACCOUNT>, <USES_HARDWARE_ID>, <USES_GAID>, <HAS_COOKIES>)) .], {cacheJoin=true, estimatedCardinality=1923966, indexTime=356, joinTime=19633, numSearches=379683}
                        }, annotations={estimatedCardinality=3847932}
                        SimplePathFilter(?1, ?4)) .
                LoopsCondition {
            }, annotations={emitFirst=false, untilFirst=false, repeatMode=BFS, dedup=true}
        }, annotations={path=[Vertex(?1):GraphStep, Repeat[̶V̶e̶r̶t̶e̶x̶(̶?̶3̶)̶:̶G̶r̶a̶p̶h̶S̶t̶e̶p̶, Vertex(?4):VertexStep, ̶V̶e̶r̶t̶e̶x̶(̶?̶8̶)̶:̶V̶e̶r̶t̶e̶x̶S̶t̶e̶p̶]], joinStats=true, optimizationTime=2, maxVarId=10, executionTime=107826}
+ not converted into Neptune steps: NeptuneHasStep([~label.eq(Gaid)]),
Neptune steps:
+ not converted into Neptune steps: DedupGlobalStep(null,null),CountGlobalStep,

WARNING: >> [NeptuneHasStep([~label.eq(Gaid)]), DedupGlobalStep(null,null)] << (or one of the children for each step) is not supported natively yet

Runtime (ms)
Query Execution: 107828.341

Traversal Metrics
Step                                                               Count  Traversers       Time (ms)    % Dur
NeptuneGraphQueryStep(Vertex)                                     743022      743022       52892.767    49.06
NeptuneTraverserConverterStep                                     743022      743022        8142.297     7.55
NeptuneHasStep([~label.eq(Gaid)])                                   4138        4138       46695.267    43.32
DedupGlobalStep(null,null)                                          4138        4138          48.927     0.05
CountGlobalStep                                                        1           1          22.215     0.02
                                            >TOTAL                     -           -      107801.475        -

Repeat Metrics
Iteration  Visited   Output    Until     Emit     Next
        0        1        0        0        0        1
        1        3        0        0        0        3
        2   379679        0        0        0   379679
        3   743022   743022   743022        0        0
           1122705   743022   743022        0   379683

# of predicates: 26

Count: 1

Index Operations
Query execution:
    # of statement index ops: 1,502,390
    # of unique statement index ops: 1,502,390
    Duplication ratio: 1.0
    # of terms materialized: 162

Right now it's taking time in seconds, can it be optimized somehow?


  • Turns out that we are having super nodes that got accidentally inserted in the DB.

    What I did was

    1: Filtering nodes from a configurable list and not insert if their ids matched.

    2: In the query added additional clause to filter out super node ids.

    3: As we are getting concurrent requests we made our spring API async via CompletableFuture and gave it a dedicated thread-pool.

    4: Instead of using Apache Tinkerpop driver, we opted for Amazon Neptune Rest API -

    Doing this it reduced the time from 1 minute to 80ms.