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How to add do_deploy task to a Qt6 CMake Yocto recipe that deploys an application binary to the build's deployment directory?

I have a recipe that builds and installs a Qt application to targets rootfs using qt6-cmake from meta-qt6, it works fine.

inherit qt6-cmake


    <SNIP> \


S = "${WORKDIR}/git"

I would like to extend the recipe with a do_deploy task that writes the Qt application binary to the build's deployment directory.

inherit deploy
/* SNIP */
do_deploy() {
    install -d ${DEPLOYDIR}
    install -m 0755 ???  ${DEPLOYDIR}/foo

add_task deploy after do_package

The problem is, I don't know what ??? should be. Where should the Qt application binary be deployed from?


  • The solution:

    inherit deploy
    /* SNIP */
    do_deploy() {
        install -d ${DEPLOYDIR}
        install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/package${bindir}/foo ${DEPLOYDIR}/foo
    addtask deploy after do_package