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Disappearance animation of an image

I have this arrow image:

enter image description here

and I want to animate it as follows:

enter image description here

Is there a component (preferably QML) that can achieve this?

Also, performance wise, is it better to just combine a set of images to gif-format?


  • Updating based on new information that the arrow has a background.

    You need to crop out the arrow to an image file with a transparent background and have the background as a separate image.

    From there, you can use a similar concept as below, but with the arrow growing. I believe you will be able to find an image mode that fits the image vertically and does not manipulate it horizontally. I would start by trying fillMode: Image.TileHorizontally.

    Treat this as pseudo code, I don't have access to a computer to run this on at the moment.

       id: backgroundImage
       source: "background.png"
          id: arrowWithTransparentBackground
          fillMode: Image.TileHorizontally
          source: "arrow.png"
          anchors.left: parent.left

          anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
              SequentialAnimation on width {
                  loops: Animation.Infinite
                  PropertyAnimation { from 0: to: parent.width }

    Old answer for reference, before knowing there was a background to the image:

    QML very nicely animates size changes. You could easily have a rectangle on top of your image anchored to the left side that is white and grows from 0 to arrow.width.

    Treat this as pseudo code, I don't have access to a computer to run this on at the moment.

       id: arrowImage
       source: "arrow.png"
          color: "white"
          anchors.left: parent.left

          anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
              SequentialAnimation on width {
                  loops: Animation.Infinite
                  PropertyAnimation { from 0: to: parent.width }