private void FetchMails() {
APIResponse result = MailArchiveService.GetMailMessages();
if(!result.Success) {
StatusMessage = result.GetStatusString();
} else {
Data = result.GetContent<List<MailDTO>>();
APIResponse is a wrapper for communication between services, controllers and this Blazor app. It works and provided data are valid and displays correctly. My table generation looks like that:
@if (Data == null){
} else {
<table class="table">
@foreach(var record in Data) {
<td>@record.SentTime?.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss")</td>
<button @onclick="() => ViewMailContent(record.ID)">View</button>
My onclick method looks like this:
public void ViewMailContent(int id) {
Console.WriteLine($"ViewMailContent called with ID: {id}");
//Display message content to user
My problem is that when I click the button nothing happens. I've added this WriteLine and placed breakpoint there and it's not even entering this method. For test reasons I've added another button outside of this table with const id and then it's working correctly. I do not get any bug, the app seems to do nothing, but don't freezes (I still can change tabs, and do other things).
I've tried solutions posted here. But it's not working.
I've tried changing the button in such ways:
<button @onclick:event="onclick" @onclick="@(e => ViewMailContent(record.ID))">View</button>
<button @onclick="ViewMailContent(record.ID)">View</button>
<button @onclick="@(async (args) => ViewMailContent(record.ID))">View</button>
<button @onclick="@(async (args) => ViewMailContent(args, record.ID))">View</button>
<button @onclick:event="onclick" @onclick="() => ViewMailContent(record.ID)">View</button>
<button onclick="console.log('Clicked @record.ID')">View</button>
I got stuck and do not know what I'm doing wrong. I'm pretty new to Blazor.
The problem was that the I didn't have this:
@rendermode InteractiveServer
After adding it everything works just fine.