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Progress bar with localstorage (js)

I'm using countdown with progress bar like this but I can't figure out how do I save the progress when I reload the page?

<div id="progressBar">
                <div class="bar"></div>
            <script src=""></script>
                var seconds = {$timer_limited->sec}; // 10000
                $(document).ready(function () {
                    function progress(timeleft, timetotal, $element) {
                        var progressBarWidth = timeleft * $element.width() / timetotal;
                        $element.find('div').animate({ width: progressBarWidth }, 500);
                        if(timeleft > 0) {
                            setTimeout(function() {
                                progress(timeleft - 1, timetotal, $element);
                            }, 1000);

                    progress(seconds, seconds, $('#progressBar'));
                #progressBar {
                    width: 100%;
                    height: 4px;
                    background-color: #DDDFE2;
                #progressBar div {
                    height: 100%;
                    line-height: 22px;
                    width: 0;
                    background-color: #D03637;

how do I save the progress when I reload the page?


  • function progress() {
        var progressBarWidth = timeLeft * $progressBar.width() / totalTime;
        $filler.animate({ width: progressBarWidth }, 500).html(Math.floor(timeLeft/60) + ":"+ timeLeft%60);
        localStorage.setItem('timeleft', timeLeft)
        if(timeLeft < 0) {
    const $progressBar = $('#progressBar')
    const $filler = $progressBar.find('div')
    const totalTime = 600
    var timeLeft = localStorage.getItem('timeleft') ?? totalTime
    const interval = setInterval(progress, 1000)

    I rewrote your code a bit, but it's essentially the same. The only thing I added is the localStorage part, where I first request the 'timeleft' variable from storage and I reset the clock if it isn't found. I always update the data stored, so it's up to date.