I have multiple tabs with a form inside.
<MudTabs Elevation="4" Rounded="true" Centered="true" Color="@Color.Primary">
<MudTabPanel Text="@formA.model.Name" Style="@GetRed(formA.form?.Errors.Any())">
<CustomForm @ref="formA" model="formA.model" />
<MudTabPanel Text="@formB.model.Name" Style="@GetRed(formB.form.Errors.Any())">
<CustomForm @ref="formB" model="formB.model" />
<MudTabPanel Text="@formC.model.Name" Style="@GetRed(formC.form.Errors.Any())">
<CustomForm @ref="formC" model="formC.model" />
<MudButton OnClick="ValidateForms" >ValidateForms</MudButton>
public async Task ValidateForms(){
bool isValid = true;
isValid &= await formA.Validate();
isValid &= await formB.Validate();
isValid &= await formC.Validate();
// Continue
public async Task<bool> Validate()
await form.Validate();
return form.IsValid;
I would like to validate all forms at once and display the correspondending tab in a red border if any validation error occurs. And if switching tabs the fields should be marked as errors. But it seems like if a form (or its fields) isn't rendered, the validation automatically succeeds. It is working for the activated tab.
Snippet: https://try.mudblazor.com/snippet/GEcRlmbbTAGxcXkw
As a workaround I could add Properties to the FormModel i.e. NameHasErrors and handle everything manually, which works. But I'd like to keep the code simpler.
Is there a straightforward method? Or do I have to use the workaround?
You need to set the KeepPanelsAlive
to true.
From MudBlazor docs
If true, render all tabs and hide (display:none) every non-active.
<MudTabs KeepPanelsAlive="true" Elevation="4" Rounded="true" Centered="true" Color="@Color.Primary">
<MudTabPanel Text="@formA.model.Name" Style="@GetRed(formA.form?.Errors.Any())">
<CustomForm @ref="formA" model="formA.model" />
<MudTabPanel Text="@formB.model.Name" Style="@GetRed(formB.form.Errors.Any())">
<CustomForm @ref="formB" model="formB.model" />
<MudTabPanel Text="@formC.model.Name" Style="@GetRed(formC.form.Errors.Any())">
<CustomForm @ref="formC" model="formC.model" />
<MudButton OnClick="ValidateForms" >ValidateForms</MudButton>