I have created a CustomControl which extends TextBox. Within my control I have added a button:
public static readonly DependencyProperty ButtonCommandProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(ButtonCommand), typeof(ICommand), typeof(AppTextBox),
new PropertyMetadata(null, OnButtonCommandChanged));
public ICommand ButtonCommand
get => (ICommand)GetValue(ButtonCommandProperty);
set => SetValue(ButtonCommandProperty, value);
private static void OnButtonCommandChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (d is AppTextBox atb)
atb.ButtonCommand = (ICommand)e.NewValue;
This is how I setup the TextBox:
<ctrl:AppTextBox ButtonCommand="{Binding AddSpokenFormCommand}"
Label="Spoken Form"
Text="{Binding SpokenFormText, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}"
x:Name="txtSpokenForm" />
Within my ViewModel I have the following:
public RelayCommand AddSpokenFormCommand { get; }
AddSpokenFormCommand = new(OnAddSpokenFormCommand, AddSpokenFormCommandCanExecute);
private bool AddSpokenFormCommandCanExecute() => SpokenFormText.Length != 0;
The issue I am facing is that the CustomControl is not always set to the correct state.
I have a listbox where I can select an entry, when the entry loads the CustomControl seems to keep the state it was in from the last record.
CustomControl when first loaded: (This is in the correct state)
CustomControl when text added: (This is in the correct state)
CustomControl when moved to next record: (as you can see there is no text, but the button is active (and it shouldnt be))
How can I force the UI to refresh based on the data that it now holds after reloading?
Setup in AppTextBox.cs was causing the issues.
Because the class has instance methods, there is no need to pass around a reference.
Once I removed all of the atb.x then the control behaved as it should do.
Thanks to Clemens for the pointers