I am currently trying to send logs directly to elastic search via serilog event sink. Unfortunately this fails and I believe it's because of the credentials I was provided but I am unsure how to verify this.
username : xxxx password : yyyy
builder.Host.UseSerilog((ctx, configuration) =>
.WriteTo.Elasticsearch(new ElasticsearchSinkOptions(new Uri("https://xxxxxx.aws.found.io:9243"))
IndexFormat = "logs-ea.standard-{0:yyyy.MM}",
FailureCallback = e => Console.WriteLine("Unable to submit event " + JsonSerializer.Serialize(e)),
EmitEventFailure = EmitEventFailureHandling.WriteToSelfLog |
EmitEventFailureHandling.WriteToFailureSink |
ModifyConnectionSettings = x => x.BasicAuthentication("xxxxx", "yyyyy")
I can login to that uri fine with the credentials provided. It looks like below
When I log in, I am brought to the screen below where I can choose a space. Is this actually elastic search?
My hunch is, I think it might be related to the uri though as the port isn't 9200 but I am told that's the correct url. If I may get some further assistance on how to validate if the elastic search uri and credentials are correct.
es_url: https://xxxx.aws.found.io:9243
username: xxxx
password: yyyy
You can try to curl Elasticsearch to check your credentials.
curl -ks "https://xxxx.aws.found.io:9243" -u "xxxx:yyyy"
also you can enable the verbose mode with -v
and debug it.