Search code examples

How to get id using Javascript?

How can I extract the text: mytr161 if what is known to me is this text: 8039089332

<tr bgcolor="#dcdcdc" id="mytr161">     
                <td align="right" bgcolor="#BDB9B4"><input type="checkbox" id="ck161" name="ck161" value="1" onclick="javascript:changebgcolor('161');"></td>       
                <td align="center" nowrap=""><small><font size="2">
                <a href="MfSchOpen850PODetail.asp?lpo=8039089332&amp;litem=hidingit&amp;Plant=hidingitaswell&amp;lsimplifyordertype=hidden" target="Podetail">8039089332</a>

I have a list of numbers like the text: 8039089332. I want to click the checkmark next to it. To do that I am thinking how to write a javascript code to loop through the list of numbers, and click checkmark, I think, firstly need to find the id of the text: 8039089332. And then probably find a way to trim the id by removing the text 'mytr' and replacing it by 'ck'. This is my first attempt at javascript, I have no idea what to do at this point because I am unable to extract the id for the list of numbers that I have.


  • Since you're not clicking the checkbox, but want to programmatically "click" them based on the link text

    function checkTheBox(searchText) {
        // find an <a> tag that has the text to find
        var xpath = "//a[text() = '" + searchText + "']";
        var matchingElement = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
        if (matchingElement) {
            // get the <tr> and trim the "mytr" off of it's id
            trID = matchingElement.closest('tr').id.replace(/mytr/,'');
            // now mark the box checked for that "ck" id
            document.getElementById('ck'+trID).checked = true;

    Then, if you want to loop over every a tag, find the text, find the ID...

    for (const a of document.querySelectorAll("a")) {

    May want to adjust the for loop instead of document.querySelectAll, maybe target only the table...

    Borrowed a lot from plus the "closest('tr')" mentioned above.

    Update Since you have a list of numbers you want to find and then check the checkbox:

    var myList = [
    // don't use for (i in ...) adjustment :)
    for (var i = 0; i < myList.length; i++) { 