How can I take a permutation i and generate the (i+1)th permutation with the Steinhaus-Johnson-Trotter (SJT) algorithm? There are solutions to generate all of the permutations using the SJT algorithm, but since the permutations follow a pattern, I want to generate the next permutation.
I attempted to write such an algorithm. However, for the permutation 4213, the next permutation is supposed to be 2413, but this program gives the previous permutation 4231 instead. How I can generate the next permutation i+1, given i?
public class SJTAlgorithm {
private int[] dir;
// Constructor to initialize the directions
public SJTAlgorithm(int n) {
dir = new int[n];
// Initially, all directions are set to -1 (left).
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
dir[i] = -1;
// Function to check if an integer is mobile
private static boolean isMobile(int[] permutation, int[] dir, int index) {
int nextIndex = index + dir[index];
// An integer is mobile if the next index is within bounds and
// the adjacent integer in the direction it's moving is smaller.
return nextIndex >= 0 && nextIndex < permutation.length && permutation[index] > permutation[nextIndex];
// Function to find the largest mobile integer
private static int getMobileIndex(int[] permutation, int[] dir) {
int mobilePrev = 0, mobileIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < permutation.length; i++) {
if (isMobile(permutation, dir, i) && permutation[i] > mobilePrev) {
mobilePrev = permutation[i];
mobileIndex = i;
return mobileIndex;
// Function to find the next permutation
public static int[] nextPermutation(int[] permutation) {
int n = permutation.length;
int[] dir = new int[n];
// Initially, all directions are set to -1 (left).
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
dir[i] = -1;
// Find the largest mobile integer in the permutation.
int mobileIndex = getMobileIndex(permutation, dir);
if (mobileIndex == -1) { // No mobile integer means this is the last permutation.
return null;
// Swap the mobile integer with the adjacent integer in its current direction.
int swapIndex = mobileIndex + dir[mobileIndex];
int temp = permutation[mobileIndex];
permutation[mobileIndex] = permutation[swapIndex];
permutation[swapIndex] = temp;
// Change the direction of all integers larger than the current mobile integer.
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (permutation[i] > permutation[swapIndex]) {
dir[i] = -dir[i];
return permutation;
// Main function to test the algorithm
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] permutation = {4, 2, 1, 3};
SJTAlgorithm sjt = new SJTAlgorithm(permutation.length); // Initialize the SJTAlgorithm instance
int[] nextPerm = sjt.nextPermutation(permutation);
if (nextPerm != null) {
System.out.println("Next permutation:");
for (int num : nextPerm) {
System.out.print(num + " ");
} else {
System.out.println("No next permutation available (last permutation reached).");
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
Upon further inspection, it is not possible to generate the next permutation i+1 given a permutation i. This is because the program has no way of knowing what the directions of the permutation i numbers are by itself.