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how to generate partly transparent images of hillshade for MapServer

I am trying to prepare a hillshade layer for MapServer based on GDAL DEM functions, as described in Everything goes correctly but I would like to modify the output results so WMS/WMTS would be more transparent like in the bottom picture.

If you guys can give me any suggestion would be great.

Current output:

enter image description here

Desirable output:

enter image description here


  • The answer can be found here:

    In order to reveieve partly transparent image you have to mix gray band (hillshade) and opacity band (that need to be prepared)

    So first step is to prepare hillshade:

    gdaldem hillshade input.tif hillshade.tmp.tif -s 111120 -z 5 -az 315 -alt 60 -compute_edges

    then prepare the opacity band

    # hillshade px=A, opacity is its invert: px=255-A -A ./hillshade.tmp.tif  --outfile=./opacity.tif --calc="255-A"

    then build final hillshade

    # assigns to relevant bands -b 1 and -b 2
    gdalbuildvrt -separate ./final.vrt ./hillshade.tmp.tif ./opacity.tif