I have a list of points describing the boundaries of Spain. I want to be able to tell whether a pair of lat,lon is within these boundaries. I have tried the following:
import shapefile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint, Point, Polygon
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
sf = shapefile.Reader(r"\ESP_adm0.shp")
shapes = sf.shapes()
lat = []; lon = []
for i in range(len(shapes[0].points)):
I know I am retrieving the points, because I'm able to plot and get the desired results:
plt.plot(lon,lat,'.', ms=0.1)
(plot in the link below) plot result
I do the following to get the poitns into a polygon:
coords = list(zip(lat,lon))
spain_pol = Polygon(coords)
And then I use the contains function, always getting false.
These both return false. In fact I haven't been able to get a single point I've tried to return a True.
I have tried all sorts of things, and I think I must be missing something fundamental. Perhaps the facts Spain has islands and there's more than one polygon is the problem? I'm lost. Any help welcome.
Just in case someone else has the same issue. The following code worked perfectly:
import fiona
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint, Point, Polygon,shape
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
multipol = fiona.open(r"\file\to\shape\ESP_adm0.shp")
multi = next(iter(multipol))
point = Point(0,42)
This returns a very welcome "True" :)