Following is my code for ticket like background.I used multiple sources on google to achieve this
class TicketShapeBackground(
private val circleRadius: Dp,
private val cornerSize: CornerSize
) : Shape {
override fun createOutline(size: Size, layoutDirection: LayoutDirection, density: Density): Outline {
return Outline.Generic(path = getPath(size, density))
private fun getPath(size: Size, density: Density): Path {
val roundedRect = RoundRect(size.toRect(), CornerRadius(cornerSize.toPx(size, density)))
val roundedRectPath = Path().apply { addRoundRect(roundedRect) }
return Path.combine(operation = PathOperation.Intersect, path1 = roundedRectPath, path2 = getTicketPath(size, density))
private fun getTicketPath(size: Size, density: Density): Path {
val middleX = size.width.div(other = 2)
val middleY = size.height.div(other = 2)
val circleRadiusInPx = with(density) { circleRadius.toPx() }
return Path().apply {
lineTo(x = 0F, y = 0F)
lineTo(middleX, y = 0F)
rect = Rect(
left = middleX.minus(circleRadiusInPx),
top = 0F.minus(circleRadiusInPx),
right =,
bottom = circleRadiusInPx
startAngleDegrees = 180F,
sweepAngleDegrees = -180F,
forceMoveTo = false
// Draw line to top right
lineTo(x = size.width, y = 0F)
lineTo(x = size.width, y = middleY)
// lineTo(x = size.width, y = 0F)
// lineTo(x = size.width, y = middleY)
rect = Rect(
left = size.width - circleRadiusInPx,
top = middleY - circleRadiusInPx,
right = size.width + circleRadiusInPx,
bottom = middleY + circleRadiusInPx
startAngleDegrees = 270f,
sweepAngleDegrees = -180F,
forceMoveTo = false
lineTo(x = size.width, y = size.height)
lineTo(middleX, y = size.height)
lineTo(x = 0F, y = size.height)
lineTo(x = size.width, y = size.height)
lineTo(0F, size.height)
lineTo(x = 0F, y = size.height)
rect = Rect(
left = 0F - circleRadiusInPx,
top = middleY - circleRadiusInPx,
right = circleRadiusInPx,
bottom = middleY + circleRadiusInPx
startAngleDegrees = 90f,
sweepAngleDegrees = -180F,
forceMoveTo = false
lineTo(x = 0F, y = 0F)
and use it like
Modifier.clip(TicketShapeBackground(34.dp, CornerSize(5.dp)))
) { }
Now the arc at the top ie after lineTo(middleX, y = 0F) I need to place an image inside the arc,like a circle image. How to achieve it. One way could be using a Box maybe but not sure how to do it, also I am not sure if it is a clean solution. Any help is appreciated .Thanks
Is this what you need?
val radius = 34.dp
Box(Modifier.background(Color.White)) {
imageVector = Icons.Default.Face,
modifier = Modifier
.offset(y = -radius)
.size(radius * 2),
contentDescription = "top arc image",
.clip(TicketShapeBackground(radius, CornerSize(5.dp)))