I have a table with customer Id, Date of purchase
I wanted to check if there is 3 purchase in the 5 days windows period.
Note : Doesn't need to be consecutive
Cust Id Date O Purchase 11 09/11/2023 11 13/11/2023 11 15/11/2023 11 21/11/2023 11 23/11/2023 11 24/11/2023 12 16/11/2023 12 21/11/2023 12 25/11/2023 12 01/12/2023 12 03/12/2023 12 05/12/2023
Considering the table as the input for checking any 3 days out of 5 days window. For cust id 11 ->
On the overall level - CustomerID 11 passes the condition of having any 3 days purchase in the 5 days windows period
Please let me know if the question or clear.
You can look at this problem differently to simplify the solution, for each 3 consecutive purchases check if one of them is in the range of 5 days, and to simplify it even more after ordering the data by "Date O Purchase" you only need to check current row and current row -2 in that order (this means the last 3 purchase) and check if the dates of these 2 rows are within 5 days, here's a solution in PySpark:
w = Window.partitionBy("Cust_Id").orderBy("Date_Of_Purchase")
df = df.withColumn("Date_Of_Purchase", to_date(col("Date_Of_Purchase"), "dd/MM/yyyy")) \
.withColumn("Prev_Date_Of_Purchase", lag("Date_Of_Purchase", 2).over(w)) \
.withColumn("days_between", datediff(col("Date_Of_Purchase"), col("Prev_Date_Of_Purchase")))
df.filter(col("days_between") <= 5).select("Cust_Id").distinct().show()
You can generalize this by changing the 2 in lag("Date_Of_Purchase", 2)
to the number of purchases - 1, and the 5 in .filter(col("days_between") <= 5)
the to days interval le window.