I have searched this forum, but similar questions seem to deal with loading an html file from within the server.
I have some files on an external source (Azure BLOB as it happens) with public urls like: https://blah.blob.core.windows.net/public/Legal/Privacy.html (not the real one)
I want to load them into my razor page and display the contents.
I am passing the URL of the file into the page using the querystring:
public class ShowPageModel : PageModel
[BindProperty(SupportsGet = true)]
public string urlPath { get; set; }
This works in terms of getting it to the code behind.. I tried using an iFrame:
<iframe src=@Model.urlPath></iframe>
This just loads an empty frame then downloads the file..
I also tried using partial:
<partial name="@Model.urlPath" />
But this is for on server use I think.. it had a not found exception
I imagine it would be a File.read type of thing but that only support on server it seems...
I do it on the Blazor side of this project using MarkupString but Im not sure how to set this up using the server side razor page... Any ideas? Thanks
You could try fetch to raw htmlstring and use @html.raw()
to render.
public class IndexModel : PageModel
public string htmlstring;
public async Task OnGet()
HttpClient client = new();
htmlstring = await client.GetStringAsync("http://localhost:5080/index.html");
@model IndexModel