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Edit folder and xml files at once with comma delimited csv using sed

I'm trying to write a Bash script to change an XML file name and contents within this XML file for over 500 different folders. A member of the community helped with the first iteration of this wonderful script.

I'd prefer to use the sed command for this process with a Bash script instead of using xmlstarlet as I don't want to install it on this VM. The directory is a little annoying as I'm trying to change a few things at the same time.

This is an example of a file to be modified:

                                   ^^^^     ^^^^^

With junk2.xml containing a line:


I would like to rename the file to the following:

                                   ^^^^     ^^^^^^^^

With newly named treasure.xml containing the modified line:


The customerlogin.csv is comma delimited with column oldStr = junk and column midStr = junk2 and column newStr = treasure as my test example.

CSV Example

while IFS=, read -r oldStr midStr newStr; do 

    if [[ -f "$oldFile" ]] && [[ ! -f "$newFile" ]]; 
        sed "s:/$midStr/:/$newStr/:" "$oldFile" > "$newFile" && 
        rm -f "$oldFile" 
done < customerlogin.csv

When I run the script, it works exactly how I would like if all three columns are different names. However, if Column A (oldStr) and Column B (midStr) happen to have the same value such as (dog) & (dog), the XML file name will change to cat but the XML contents remain unchanged as dog.

Result I recieve if (oldStr) value equals (midStr)

                                   ^^^     ^^^

Result I recieve if (oldStr) value does not equal (midStr)

                                   ^^^^     ^^^^^^^

I'm not sure what is causing this and how I would go about fixing it.


  • Your regexp is looking for /dog/ but your XML files have /dog< instead (note the absence of a / between /dog and </url>):


    so that regexp won't match regardless of whether $oldStr == $midStr or not (and so it's not true that helpful is becoming helping in the file as you show).

    In your previous question when trying to match /junk/ you had input files that looked like (note the / between /junk and </url>):


    so if your current XML files followed that same format now then the file would look like (note the / now between /dog and </url>):


    so /dog/ would be present, match the regexp, and be replaced.

    If there may or may not be a / before the <, but there's always the <, in the files you want to modify then change this:

    sed "s:/$midStr/:/$newStr/:"

    to this, using GNU or BSD sed for -E:

    sed -E "s:/$midStr(/?<):/$newStr\1:"