I have a simple question for you. I'm using .NET core 7 with Razor Pages. I have an add page and I make category selection here. I get the category information from the database in the OnGet() method and send it to the page. No problems so far. When I save the form, my OnPostAddAsync() method works and I save it to the database, but if any error occurs during registration, I return the error message to the screen and use the "return Page()" method to prevent the user from losing the information entered. When I use this method, my category information is not listed in the dropdown. It is very important for me that the information entered by the user is not lost. That's why I don't use RedirectToPage(). Now how do I do this without refreshing the page, losing the user's information, and most importantly filling out my category list?
My OnGetAsync() Method:
public async Task<IActionResult> OnGetAsync()
var response = await _category.List(SessionValues()[0]);
if (response.Message == "Authentication Error")
return new RedirectToPageResult("Login");
if (response.Status)
List<SelectListItem> List = new List<SelectListItem>();
foreach (var item in response.Data)
List.Add(new SelectListItem
Value = item.Id.ToString(),
Text = item.Name
Options = List;
ToastrError = response.Message;
return Page();
My OnPostAddAsync() Method:
public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAddAsync(AddRequestModel addModel)
var response = await _product.Add(SessionValues()[0]);
if (response.Message == "Authentication Error")
return new RedirectToPageResult("Login");
if (response.Status)
ToastrSuccess = response.Message;
return new RedirectToPageResult("Add");
ToastrError = response.Message;
return Page();
If an error is encountered exactly here, the code will execute "return Page()" with the message.
Here are the properties I use:
public string ToastrError { get; set; }
public string ToastrSuccess { get; set; }
public AddRequestModel addModel { get; set; }
public List<SelectListItem> Options { get; set; }
I searched a lot on the internet and tried many things but none of them worked.
Items that you populate in OnGet
are not persisted across requests. Therefore you need to copy the code for populating the List<SelectListItem>
in your OnPost
method too:
public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAddAsync(AddRequestModel addModel)
var response = await _product.Add(SessionValues()[0]);
if (response.Message == "Authentication Error")
return new RedirectToPageResult("Login");
if (response.Status)
ToastrSuccess = response.Message;
return new RedirectToPageResult("Add");
List<SelectListItem> List = new List<SelectListItem>();
foreach (var item in response.Data) // or wherever the data comes from
List.Add(new SelectListItem
Value = item.Id.ToString(),
Text = item.Name
Options = List; // outside the loop - no need to reassign every iteration
ToastrError = response.Message;
return Page();