My goal is to map the sourceIp from Azure Firewall Logs to it's corresponding Virtual Network.
To obtain the necessary information I have a Azure Resource Graph Query like this:
// Is also filtered based on parameters for subscriptions
| where type == ""
| extend AddressSpace_AddressPrefixes = tostring(properties.['addressSpace'].['addressPrefixes'])
| project id, AddressSpace_AddressPrefixes
Then I want to use this information in a Logs query and get the rows with sourceIps in any of the ranges from the above query.
| where SourceIp in "the result from query1"
As a test using Resource Graph query in Azure Monitor (from the example of John Gardner below) it's not working to use the mv-expand operator.
| where type == ""
| project AddressSpace_AddressPrefixes = properties.['addressSpace'].['addressPrefixes']
| mv-expand AddressSpace_AddressPrefixes
| summarize list=tostring(makeset(tostring(AddressSpace_AddressPrefixes)))
Even hardcoding in an array doesn't work to expand
// Not working example
| where type == ""
| extend addressPrefixes = dynamic(['', ''])
| project addressPrefixes
| mv-expand addressPrefixes
The problem is that
Data Source
Merge doesn't work since it can only join on "==" and I need to match on "in".Is there a solution for this?
except... assumption #1 is no longer actually true! (in preview form at least)
there is a new arg("")
operator that lets you query azure resource graph from logs queries:
| where type == "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines" and properties.hardwareProfile.vmSize startswith "Standard_D"
| join (
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1d)
| distinct Computer
on $ == $right.Computer
copying the limitations from the docs for now, since it is in preview and the content/link changing/becoming broken are high. All of ARG's limitations still apply, like resource limits and row limits!
General cross-service query limitations
- Database names are case sensitive.
- Identifying the Timestamp column in the cluster isn't supported. The Log Analytics Query API won't pass the time filter.
- Cross-service queries support data retrieval only.
- Private Link (private endpoints) and IP restrictions do not support cross-service queries.
- mv-expand is limited to 2000 records.
Azure Resource Graph cross-service query limitations
When you query Azure Resource Graph data from Azure Monitor:
- The query returns the first 1000 records only.
- Azure Monitor doesn't return Azure Resource Graph query errors.
- The Log Analytics query editor marks valid Azure Resource Graph queries as syntax errors.
- These operators aren't supported:
smv-apply(), rand(), arg_max(), arg_min(), avg(), avg_if(), countif(), sumif(), percentile(), percentiles(), percentilew(), percentilesw(), stdev(), stdevif(), stdevp(), variance(), variancep(), varianceif()
if any of the limits above don't work for you, or you can't use preview things, there are other possibilities, like having the ARG query be a text parameter from a query and have it return a big string comma separated list of values, and then use that in the Logs query?
create a text parameter with arg query like:
// Is also filtered based on parameters for subscriptions
| where type == ""
| project AddressSpace_AddressPrefixes = properties.['addressSpace'].['addressPrefixes']
| mv-expand AddressSpace_AddressPrefixes
| summarize list=tostring(makeset(tostring(AddressSpace_AddressPrefixes)))
you'd have a parameter that is a string value of those items as an array, like this (you can mark the parameter hidden in reading mode):
and you can then use it in a logs query like this:
let prefixes = dynamic({prefixes});
| where SourceIp in (prefixes)