I won't go into much detail (it's not hugely relevant, and it's a lot of code), but here's an interface I wrote:
public interface RouteProcessor {
// DocumentedEndpoint is my custom class that encapsulates an exposed endpoint of a service
Route.Builder process(Route.Builder routeInConstruction, DocumentedEndpoint endpoint);
It's used like this (it's a basic idea, not final code):
private void buildAndAddRoutesFrom(List<? extends DocumentedEndpoint> endpoints) {
for (DocumentedEndpoint endpoint : endpoints) {
Route.Builder routeBuilder = Route.builder();
for (RouteProcessor routeProcessor : routeProcessors) {
routeBuilder = routeProcessor.process(routeBuilder, endpoint);
routeFlux = routeFlux.concatWith(Mono.just(routeBuilder.build())); // questionable, but it's beyond the point for now
Again, it's not really important. What's important is that Spring Cloud Gateway's sources have, to put it mildly, room for improvement (in my view). In particular, I don't know how I do such a simple thing as adding a predicate to a Route
in construction. Like, suppose I construct it. Where do I pass it now?
public RouteProcessor authenticationRouteProcessor() {
return (routeInConstruction, endpoint) -> {
AsyncPredicate<ServerWebExchange> newPredicate = AsyncPredicate.from(serverWebExchange -> serverWebExchange
AsyncPredicate<ServerWebExchange> compoundPredicate = routeInConstruction.getPredicate().and(predicate);
// what's next?
How do I set a predicate for a Route.Builder
in Spring Cloud Gateway?
Like, if you're saying that it's the only way I can pass it, by invoking this constructor (which is private, btw):
// from Route.AbstractBuilder
public Route build() {
Assert.notNull(this.id, "id can not be null");
Assert.notNull(this.uri, "uri can not be null");
AsyncPredicate<ServerWebExchange> predicate = getPredicate();
Assert.notNull(predicate, "predicate can not be null");
// Route has predicate, but Route.Builder doesn't!
return new Route(this.id, this.uri, this.order, predicate, this.gatewayFilters, this.metadata);
Gateway's design surprises me
I mean we have this nice and()
method that we can use as a setter
public Builder and(Predicate<ServerWebExchange> predicate) {
Assert.notNull(this.predicate, "can not call and() on null predicate");
this.predicate = this.predicate.and(predicate);
return this;
but that setting is basically the method's side effect so it feels more like a workaround rather than something that I should actually do as the library's user
But more importantly, how exactly do I add a predicate to an existing one? It should already be initialized due to the null assert. So this won't work:
public RouteProcessor basicPredicateProcessor() {
return (routeInConstruction, endpoint) -> {
routeInConstruction.and(serverWebExchange -> serverWebExchange
return routeInConstruction;
Please let me know that it's not that far gone and I missed some crucial snippets of the source code
Like, before they start to write good code, here's your best bet:
public interface RouteProcessor {
Route.AsyncBuilder process(Route.AsyncBuilder routeInConstruction, DocumentedEndpoint endpoint);
private void buildAndAddRoutesFrom(List<? extends DocumentedEndpoint> endpoints) {
for (DocumentedEndpoint endpoint : endpoints) {
Route.AsyncBuilder routeBuilder = Route.async();
for (RouteProcessor routeProcessor : routeProcessors) {
routeBuilder = routeProcessor.process(routeBuilder, endpoint);
routeFlux = routeFlux.concatWith(Mono.just(routeBuilder.build()));
// probably you'd want to set it first thing
// @Order(value = Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE)
public RouteProcessor basicPredicateProcessor() {
return (routeInConstruction, endpoint) -> {
routeInConstruction.asyncPredicate(AsyncPredicate.from(serverWebExchange -> serverWebExchange
return routeInConstruction;
It's because Route.AsyncBuilder
has a method that doesn't include that null check so you can safely initialize predicate
public AsyncBuilder asyncPredicate(AsyncPredicate<ServerWebExchange> predicate) {
this.predicate = predicate;
return this;