I am learning Erlang and I am confused by the following code:
-export([start/1, loop/1]).
start(SlavesNum) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
[spawn_link(fun() ->
io:format("slave ~p~n", [N]),
end) || N <- lists:seq(1, SlavesNum)],
spawn_link(fun() -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), init() end),
init() ->
{'EXIT', From, Why} -> io:format("start: (~p) exited ~p ~p~n", [self(), From, Why]);
Catch -> io:format("~p~n", [Catch])
loop(SlaveNum) ->
Msg -> io:format("slave #~p received ~p~n", [SlaveNum, Msg])
The behaviour I am expecting is that after the master exits all slaves should exit too (because of spawn_link
), printing a message before doing so; insteand I am getting this:
1> killing_master:start(10).
slave 1
slave 2
slave 3
slave 4
slave 5
slave 6
slave 7
slave 8
slave 9
slave 10
** exception exit: normal
The behaviour I am expecting is that after the master exits all slaves should exit too (because of spawn_link), printing a message before doing so
In addition, none of the slave processes are trapping exits, so they won't print a message when they receive an exit signal. Your slaves are created inside a list comprehension here:
[spawn_link(fun() ->
io:format("slave ~p~n", [N]),
|| N <- lists:seq(1, SlavesNum)],
And, each slave process runs the function:
fun() ->
io:format("slave ~p~n", [N]),
and the loop/1
function doesn't trap exits either.
Here's some simpler code you can try:
master() ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
io:format("master pid: ~w~n", [self()]),
spawn_link(fun slave/0),
{'EXIT', From, Why} ->
io:format("master(): Process (~w) exited~nExit signal from: ~w~nReason: ~w~n",
[self(), From, Why]);
Any ->
io:format("master(): non-exit message... ~w~n", [Any])
slave() ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
io:format("slave 1~n"),
{'EXIT', From, Why} ->
io:format("slave(): Process (~w) exited~nExit signal from: ~w~nReason: ~w~n",
[self(), From, Why]);
Any ->
io:format("slave(): non-exit message... ~w~n", [Any])
In the shell:
~/erlang_programs% erl
Erlang/OTP 24 [erts-12.3.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1]
Eshell V12.3.2 (abort with ^G)
1> c(a).
a.erl:2:2: Warning: export_all flag enabled - all functions will be exported
% 2| -compile(export_all).
% | ^
2> Master = spawn(a, master, []).
master pid: <0.90.0>
slave 1
3> exit(Master, normal).
master(): Process (<0.90.0>) exited
Exit signal from: <0.83.0>
Reason: normal
slave(): Process (<0.91.0>) exited
Exit signal from: <0.90.0>
Reason: normal
4> self().
The reason could be that the master dies even before the spawning of the slave child.
In that case, I would think that spawn_link
would return something like {nolink, new_pid}
. It seems strange that there is no way to know if the link was successful. You can confirm that the master process has in fact exited with this code:
master() ->
io:format("master pid: ~w~n", [self()]),
spawn_link(fun slave/0).
slave() ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
io:format("slave 1~n"),
{'EXIT', From, Why} ->
io:format("slave(): Process (~w) exited~nExit signal from: ~w~nReason: ~w~n",
[self(), From, Why]);
Any ->
io:format("slave(): non-exit message... ~w~n", [Any])
In the shell:
> c(a).
a.erl:2:2: Warning: export_all flag enabled - all functions will be exported
% 2| -compile(export_all).
% | ^
2> Master = spawn(a, master, []).
master pid: <0.90.0>
slave 1
3> i().
disk_log_server gen_server:loop/7 12
<0.80.0> disk_log:init/2 4185 12507 0
disk_log:loop/1 7
<0.82.0> erlang:apply/2 28690 19928 0
shell:shell_rep/4 18
<0.83.0> erlang:apply/2 121536 46746 0
c:pinfo/1 49
<0.91.0> erlang:apply/2 233 33 0
a:slave/0 2
Total 213936 561931 0
The master()
process pid was <0.90.0>
, which isn't listed, and you can see that slave()
is running in process <0.91.0>
. Or, you can call:
4> is_process_alive(Master).
Yet, slave()
did not output any exit messages. The conclusion is that the master process exited before the slave process was ever linked to it.
Therefore, your code has two problems: