I have a list of sentences in column A. and a list of keywords and phrases in column B. I need a conditional formatting formula or some other way of highlighting any of the sentences in column a that contain any of the exact phrases or keywords that are in column b.
Column A For example..
There is a sentence here
Example sentence flower stunning
boarding pass example text
sentence containing shabby chic
example large rock sentence
example text hardcore
examples sentence
some text here
Column B For example....
Black & White Flower
Titanium Gold
Boarding Pass
Shabby Chic
Rock With You
Fantastic Four
Large Rock
My column A has over 100k sentences and column b has over 3000 phrases or keywords. Otherwise I would have gone to conditional formatting, text that contains, and highlight for each word individually. I've spent hours googling with no luck. Below is the closest article I found but not quite what i need.
Conditional formatting for cells that contain words listed in another column
Even if there is a different way that is not highlighting them I'm open to that. I just need to identify every cell in column A that contains one of the words or phrases from column b
Depending on what you mean with an exact match, but the following might work when you want to see if any of the values in the 2nd column exist as a substring in the 1st one:
A much more stricter version could be to concatenate spaces on either side of the 1st and 2nd column. This will weigh more heavy on the calculation side of things though:
=SUM(--ISNUMBER(SEARCH(" "&$B$1:$B$13&" "," "&$A1&" ")))