Completely new to JQuery so I am learning everyday.
One thing I noticed is how easy it is, you can just write
But I am looking for an example on how to reuse some code, eg.:
function RemoveTableRow(row, id)
// id should be used for ajax call
And then add a 'onclick' on my anchor-tag
onclick="RemoveTableRow('user-row-1', 32);"
But somehow it is not working, even if I add it on document.ready function. Can someone cut it out for me, the best practice way for doing this?
Thanks in advance. This forum is killer!
I updated the code from the help I got here. This is my current code, and I would like to know if its the best way of doing this.
function RemoveTableRow(row, id) {
type: "POST",
url: "Default.aspx/DeleteEmployee",
data: "{'ID':'" + id + "'}",
beforeSend: function() {
$("#" + row).animate({'backgroundColor':'#fb6c6c'},300);
success: function() {
$("#" + row).slideUp(300,function() {
$("#" + row).remove();
is user-row-1 the ID of the table row? If yes, than you are missing # in your selector
function RemoveTableRow(row, id) {
// id should be used for ajax call
or without changing the function, call it with the complete selector
onclick="RemoveTableRow('#user-row-1', 32);"