I have a list of string resources, i want to display them but i want to check for string res that have place holders in them, so that i can replace the placeholders with string values
<string name="app_name">Its a poem right?</string>
<string name="app_name">We are %1$s to the see the queen, are you %1$s</string>
<string name="app_name">where are we %s</string>
I want to be able to fill the place holders with this text in my fragment var going = "goin"
I solved the issue by creating a string extension
fun String.containsPlaceholderRegex(): Boolean {
val placeholderRegex = Regex("%([0-9]+\\$)?[a-zA-Z]")
return placeholderRegex.containsMatchIn(this)
then you can check if the string has a placeholder by below.