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VBA: how to sort cell data on the basis Font color

I have a data string in the cell as

enter image description here

I want to sort the string on the basis of Font Color such as

enter image description here

Possible to write in a VBA code. Thanks

ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1").Sort.SortFields.Add(Range("S37:S37"), _
    xlSortOnFontColor, xlAscending, , xlSortNormal).SortOnValue.Color = RGB(0, 102 _
    , 0)
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1").Sort
    .SetRange Range("S37:S37")
    .Header = xlGuess
    .MatchCase = False
    .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
    .SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With


  • Another version:

    Sub GroupNumbersByColor()
        Dim c As Range, c2 As Range, num, pos As Long, txt As String
        Dim dict As Object, clr As Long, k, sep As String, ch As String
        Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
        Set c = ActiveSheet.Range("D13") 'for example
        txt = c.Value & " " 'dodge to avoid ending on a digit...
        num = ""
        For pos = 1 To Len(txt)
            ch = Mid(txt, pos, 1)
            If ch Like "#" Then 'numeric?
                clr = c.Characters(pos, 1).Font.Color 'get the font color
                '... assuming all digits of each number share the same font color
                If Not dict.Exists(clr) Then dict.Add clr, New Collection 'new color?
                num = num & ch 'build up the number
                If Len(num) > 0 Then dict(clr).Add num 'capture previous number
                num = ""
            End If
        Next pos
        'write the grouped numbers out to the next column
        Set c2 = c.Offset(0, 1)
        For Each k In dict           'k=text color
            For Each num In dict(k)  'all numbers for this color
                AppendTextWithColor c2, sep, vbBlack
                AppendTextWithColor c2, CStr(num), CLng(k)
                sep = ","
            Next num
        Next k
    End Sub
    'Append text to a cell, and set the text's color
    Sub AppendTextWithColor(c As Range, txt As String, clr As Long)
        If Len(txt) = 0 Then Exit Sub
        c.Characters(c.Characters.Count + 1, Len(txt)).Insert txt
        c.Characters(c.Characters.Count - (Len(txt) - 1), Len(txt)).Font.Color = clr
    End Sub