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Eclipse: contradicting warnings

Here's the code snippet:

class MyClass {
    private native void foo();

For the above, Eclipse (namely, 3.7.0) gives a warning

The method foo() from the type MyClass is never used locally

Alright, but when I try to suppress the warning:

class MyClass {
    private native void foo();

It complains

Unnecesary @SuppressWarnings("unused")

So, is there any way to make it stop complaining?


Sorry for the incomplete information - this warning is only displayed in an AspectJ project. Once I create a simple Java project and put my class in it, all works fine.

As far as I understand, AspectJ uses its own compiler, so this warning must be generated by it. I'm using AspectJ Development Tools plug-in:

Version: 2.1.3.e37x-20110628-1900
AspectJ version:


  • Inside of a Java project, this produces no warnings:

    class MyClass {
        private native void foo();

    This, however, produces a Unnecessary @SuppressWarnings("unused") warning:

    class MyClass {
        private native void foo();

    Inside of an AspectJ project, the first example produces a The method foo() from the type MyClass is never used locally warning and the second example produces the same warning as in a Java project. This is likely an AspectJ bug. I'd recommend raising an issue on the AspectJ bugzilla.

    The AspectJ compiler is a fork of the JDT compiler from Eclipse 3.3. So, it is likely that this bug was originally in Eclipse 3.3. Now that Java 7 is available, AspectJ will likely migrate to being Eclipse 3.7 or 3.8 based and it will pick up the fix from the JDT compiler. But it is worth raising a bug anyway.