I'm trying to write this method using c# contracts...but when debugging, it completely ignores the Contract.requires and CheckRep() Am I using this incorrectly??
public Poly Add(Poly q)
Contract.Requires(q != null, "You need to provide a valid non-null Poly.");
Poly la, sm;
if (deg > q.deg)
la = this; sm = q;
la = q; sm = this;
int newdeg = la.deg;
if (deg == q.deg)
for (int k = deg; k > 0; k--)
if (trms[k] + q.trms[k] != 0)
Poly r = new Poly(newdeg);
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= sm.deg && i <= newdeg; i++)
r.trms[i] = sm.trms[i] + la.trms[i];
for (int j = i; j <= newdeg; j++)
r.trms[j] = la.trms[j];
return r;
It has to be:
public Poly Add(Poly q)
Contract.Requires(q != null, "You need to provide a valid non-null Poly.");
From MSDN:
This method call must be at the beginning of a method or property, before any other code.
This contract is exposed to clients; therefore, it must only reference members that are at least as visible as the enclosing method.
You also have to activate runtime checking. Right click on your project->properties. Click "Code Contracts" in the left hand menu. Check "Perfrom Runtime Contact Checking"