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The range reference in the formula changes in one case but doesn't in other

The 3 in A3:A or B$3:B doesn't change when we move the 3rd row to any other row, but it changes when we move any other row to 3rd row position, or when insert a new row (Insert below in 2nd row or insert above in 4th row)?
Also the reference A3 doesn't change in any case.
(By move I mean this)

Example: Google Sheet (Feel free to play with)

enter image description here

If I move the 3rd row to any other row position, the formula remains the same
For Eg: I moved 3rd row to 4th row position, I get this:

enter image description here

The formula remained the same,
But now if I instead move say any row to 3rd row,
For Eg: If I move 4th row to 3rd row position like this:

enter image description here

I get this:

enter image description here

The formula changes, Similary if I say move 2 more rows to 4th row or even 3rd position then the range from A4:A & B$4:B would become A6:A & B$6:B. If you notice A3 remains the same in all cases irrespectively.

I know I can keep the range constant by using: INDIRECT(ADDRESS(3,COLUMN(A3),4)&":"&ADDRESS(ROWS(A:A),COLUMN(A3),4)) but that's not my question is, my question is:

Why is the range not changing in first case but changing in second case what exactlty is happening? and even if it's why is the cell reference A3 not changing?


  • My thoughts is that the ranges are considered from "up to down". Between the division the upper division of cells. Between the "upper border" of row 3 and the "lower border" of the last row. I experimented with the range A3:A7, B$3:B$7, and the same happens if any row inside the range is moved below the lower border of the prior 7th row, shirinkig to row 6:

    enter image description here

    So when you're dragging or creating anything outside the limits, it's considered out of range. See it illustrated with the borders in blue:

    enter image description here

    I'm just moving the rows, I haven't re-drawn any border:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here