Because it didnt worked in my main application, i created a new raw react project and implemented the simple keycloak login there following the documentation:
Now i get the following Error, that a Keycloak Instance can only be instantiated once.
App.tsx Code:
import './App.css'
import { ReactKeycloakProvider } from '@react-keycloak/web'
import keycloak from './keycloak'
function App() {
return (
<ReactKeycloakProvider authClient={keycloak}>...</ReactKeycloakProvider>
export default App
keycloak.ts Code:
import Keycloak from 'keycloak-js'
const initOptions = {
url: '',
realm: 'test',
clientId: 'test_client'
const keycloak = new Keycloak(initOptions)
export default keycloak
I tried different approaches and even asked ChatGPT but nothing helped. I also read similar questions from stackoverflow but none of the solutions helped.
I tried to do a singleton pattern class for the keycloak instance but this also didnt work.
class KeycloakConfiguration {
private static instance: Keycloak.KeycloakInstance | null = null
private constructor() {}
public static getInstance(): Keycloak.KeycloakInstance {
if (!KeycloakConfiguration.instance) {
const initOptions = {
url: '',
realm: 'test',
clientId: 'test_client',
KeycloakConfiguration.instance = new Keycloak(initOptions)
return KeycloakConfiguration.instance
I found out what the error was. The Application was wrapped in <React.StrictMode> which caused the application to render twice. After i removed the StrictMode Item, the Error disappeared
<ReactKeycloakProvider authClient={keycloak}>
<App />