I have many tests, which are using sample input files. Single file contains single example for some test. I would like to make tests to use jqwik for generating test data. From single example of hard-coded file for single test case, I would like to go to PBT approach and make all tests to be properties and check multiple input files generated for me by jqwik framework.
Sidenote: file from test resource is in all test de-serialized to POJO instance (not a single class, but multiple possible types with single parent (abstract class). So I am generating given instances, instead of files.
First approach could be to use arbitrary builders, like stated in documentation here https://jqwik.net/docs/current/user-guide.html#combining-arbitraries-with-builders So sample usage in test can be something like:
// this is actual "test"
boolean sentencesEndWithAPoint(@ForAll("someYoungPerson") Person youngPerson) {
return person.calculateAge() < 21;
// this is customized arbitrary provider for given test.
// As all tests are in different files, similar, relatively
// complex, single method will be present in all tests
Arbitrary<Person> someYoungPerson() {
Arbitrary<String> insuranceNumberForStackowerflowInsurance = DomainSpecificArbitraries.stackOwerflowInsuranceNumber();
Arbitrary<String> names =
Arbitraries.strings().withCharRange('a', 'z').ofMinLength(3).ofMaxLength(21);
Arbitrary<Integer> ages = Arbitraries.integers().between(0, 22, null);
return Builders.withBuilder(() -> new Person(null, -1))
Another approach can be perhaps using multiple custom domain classes https://jqwik.net/docs/current/user-guide.html#domain-example-american-addresses I.e. for each test case I would prepare single domain context base implementation and use it in given test.
void oldPersonCannotBeInsured(@ForAll Person person) {
So I'll end up with too many *Domain classes.
I would like to be able somehow in clean way express something like this:
void oldPersonCannotBeInsured(@ForAll Person person) {
PS: Using https://jqwik.net/docs/current/user-guide.html#assumptions will not be possible, because of huge space of possibilities. Assumption would filter out many percent of generated cases unfortunately.
I have tried to make custom providers with names and used given names in @ForAll annotation. This does not scale, because it does not search in another classes. Also I have taght of another solutions, but all of them seems too "long" and not maintainable.
My recommendation is to program your own configurable Arbitrary
It's similar to test data builders but the jqwik version.
Here's a start - simplifying a bit your example since you didn't provide all the details:
class PersonArbitrary extends ArbitraryDecorator<Person> {
private Arbitrary<String> nameArbitrary = Arbitraries.strings().alpha().whitespace()
private Arbitrary<Integer> ageArbitrary = Arbitraries.integers().between(0, 150);
private Arbitrary<Person.Insurance> insuranceArbitrary = Arbitraries.of(Person.Insurance.class);
private Arbitrary<String> telephoneArbitrary = Arbitraries.strings().numeric().ofMinLength(5).ofMaxLength(10);
protected Arbitrary<Person> arbitrary() {
return Combinators.combine(nameArbitrary, ageArbitrary, insuranceArbitrary, telephoneArbitrary)
PersonArbitrary withInsurance(Person.Insurance insurance) {
this.insuranceArbitrary = Arbitraries.just(insurance);
return this;
PersonArbitrary midAge() {
this.ageArbitrary = Arbitraries.integers().between(40, 60);
return this;
PersonArbitrary withTelephoneNumber(String telephone) {
this.telephoneArbitrary = Arbitraries.just(telephone);
return this;
class Person {
private final String telephone;
enum Insurance {
private final String name;
private final int age;
private final Insurance address;
public Person(String name, int age, Insurance address, String telephone) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.address = address;
this.telephone = telephone;
public String toString() {
return "Person{" +
"name='" + name + '\'' +
", age=" + age +
", address=" + address +
", telephone='" + telephone + '\'' +
Usage would be like that:
@Property(tries = 10)
void oldPersonCannotBeInsured(@ForAll("oldPerson") Person person) {
Arbitrary<Person> oldPerson() {
return new PersonArbitrary()
.withTelephoneNumber("+421 12345678");
And of course you can combine that with a domain to simplify access without having a lot of specialized provider methods.