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Managing multiple arbitrary generators for various tests in PBT

I have many tests, which are using sample input files. Single file contains single example for some test. I would like to make tests to use jqwik for generating test data. From single example of hard-coded file for single test case, I would like to go to PBT approach and make all tests to be properties and check multiple input files generated for me by jqwik framework.

Sidenote: file from test resource is in all test de-serialized to POJO instance (not a single class, but multiple possible types with single parent (abstract class). So I am generating given instances, instead of files.

First approach could be to use arbitrary builders, like stated in documentation here So sample usage in test can be something like:

// this is actual "test"
boolean sentencesEndWithAPoint(@ForAll("someYoungPerson") Person youngPerson) {
    return person.calculateAge() < 21;

// this is customized arbitrary provider for given test.
// As all tests are in different files, similar, relatively
// complex, single method will be present in all tests
Arbitrary<Person> someYoungPerson() {
        Arbitrary<String> insuranceNumberForStackowerflowInsurance = DomainSpecificArbitraries.stackOwerflowInsuranceNumber();
    Arbitrary<String> names =
        Arbitraries.strings().withCharRange('a', 'z').ofMinLength(3).ofMaxLength(21);
    Arbitrary<Integer> ages = Arbitraries.integers().between(0, 22, null);

    return Builders.withBuilder(() -> new Person(null, -1))

Another approach can be perhaps using multiple custom domain classes I.e. for each test case I would prepare single domain context base implementation and use it in given test.

    void oldPersonCannotBeInsured(@ForAll Person person) {

So I'll end up with too many *Domain classes.

I would like to be able somehow in clean way express something like this:

    void oldPersonCannotBeInsured(@ForAll Person person) {

PS: Using will not be possible, because of huge space of possibilities. Assumption would filter out many percent of generated cases unfortunately.

I have tried to make custom providers with names and used given names in @ForAll annotation. This does not scale, because it does not search in another classes. Also I have taght of another solutions, but all of them seems too "long" and not maintainable.


  • My recommendation is to program your own configurable Arbitrary class. It's similar to test data builders but the jqwik version. Here's a start - simplifying a bit your example since you didn't provide all the details:

    class PersonArbitrary extends ArbitraryDecorator<Person> {
        private Arbitrary<String> nameArbitrary = Arbitraries.strings().alpha().whitespace()
        private Arbitrary<Integer> ageArbitrary = Arbitraries.integers().between(0, 150);
        private Arbitrary<Person.Insurance> insuranceArbitrary = Arbitraries.of(Person.Insurance.class);
        private Arbitrary<String> telephoneArbitrary = Arbitraries.strings().numeric().ofMinLength(5).ofMaxLength(10);
        protected Arbitrary<Person> arbitrary() {
            return Combinators.combine(nameArbitrary, ageArbitrary, insuranceArbitrary, telephoneArbitrary)
        PersonArbitrary withInsurance(Person.Insurance insurance) {
            this.insuranceArbitrary = Arbitraries.just(insurance);
            return this;
        PersonArbitrary midAge() {
            this.ageArbitrary = Arbitraries.integers().between(40, 60);
            return this;
        PersonArbitrary withTelephoneNumber(String telephone) {
            this.telephoneArbitrary = Arbitraries.just(telephone);
            return this;
    class Person {
        private final String telephone;
        enum Insurance {
        private final String name;
        private final int age;
        private final Insurance address;
        public Person(String name, int age, Insurance address, String telephone) {
   = name;
            this.age = age;
            this.address = address;
            this.telephone = telephone;
        public String toString() {
            return "Person{" +
                       "name='" + name + '\'' +
                       ", age=" + age +
                       ", address=" + address +
                       ", telephone='" + telephone + '\'' +

    Usage would be like that:

    @Property(tries = 10)
    void oldPersonCannotBeInsured(@ForAll("oldPerson") Person person) {
    Arbitrary<Person> oldPerson() {
        return new PersonArbitrary()
                   .withTelephoneNumber("+421 12345678");

    And of course you can combine that with a domain to simplify access without having a lot of specialized provider methods.